domenica 17 maggio 2015

Six Black Rooks and Five Black Bishops

The aesthetical value of the initial position goes far beyond the compositive value of the problem (nice, anyway). Wonderful.

G. Bakcsi and L. Zoltan
Best Problems, VII, 26 (apr-giu 2003)

Black must check

Sol. 1. Rbc7 +, Nexc7 2. Ba6 +, Nxa6 3. Rc7 +, Naxc7 4. Ba6 +, Nxa6 5. Rc7 +, Naxc7 6. Ba6 +, Nxa6 7. Rc7 +, Naxc7 8. Ba6 +, Nxa6  9. Rc7 +, Naxc7 10. Ba6 +, Nxa6 11. Rc7 +, Naxc7.

Oh, the obvious solution of Two Men was 1. a4, Kg7 2. a3, Kf6 3. a2, Ke5 4. a1=N, Kd4 =.

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