mercoledì 29 marzo 2017

Beirut Chess

Beirut Chess*

Sol. 1. g4, Kh7 (1... Kg5, 2. g4-boom), 2. g5, Kh8 3. Kf8, Kh7, 4. g6-boom

* [Ok, it's a derogatory and obsolete (1992) denomination, because, unfortunately, the scene of many barbarous terrorisms, nowadays, is planet Earth, but I chose to keep it: the plays are stronger than irrational violence (irrationality is man's original sin). The play must go on].
Beirut Chess follows all the rules and conventions of standard chess, with one difference: Before the game begins, each player secretly attaches a red dot to the bottom of one of his pieces (but not the king). This piece is called a bomb carrier. On any turn, instead of moving, a player may say "Boom!" and overturn his bomb carrier. All pieces of either color on squares adjacent to the bomb carrier are removed from the game, as well as the bomb carrier itself.
There are two ways to win:
  • Checkmate the opponent.
  • Blow up the enemy king.
A captured piece may not be inspected to see whether or not it was a bomb carrier.

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