A "Spectacular" Messigny
Stephen Emmerson
"Variant Chess" Informal Tourney 1997/1998
2nd H.M.
Messigny Chess*
1.Ba4<->Bb2 + Ka1-b1 2.Bb2-c1 Kb1-a1 3.Bc1-b2 + Ba4<->Bb2 #**->->
* As a move, a side can swap the squares of one of his own pieces with a similar opposite pieces. A swap may not be undone by the opponent on the immediate next move.
** "Spectacular! The final seems to be identical with the initial position... How can this be? Well, it is the Messigny rule that a piece exchange may not immediately be reversed. A wonderful miniature construction" (Hans Gruber, "Variant Chess". V, 35, Spring 2000, p. 50).
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