giovedì 30 aprile 2015

Checkless Chess III

Checkless Chess

 1.d2-d1=B Ka1-b2 2.Bd1-f3 Kb2-c3 3.Bf3-h1 Kc3*d3 4.Kg3-g2 Kd3-e4 =

Checkless Chess II

Checkless Chess

Sol. 1.Ba2-b1 c2-c3 2.Bb1-e4 c3-c4 #

Checkless Chess

Checkless Chess

A simple "problem" to illustrate an interesting condition. "The rule of this variant is that no player may check except to check-mate [Invented c. 1830 according to Thomas Dickins.]" (G. Jelliss, The Royal Game, "Variant Chess", 4, Oct-Dec 1990). The solution of my "problem" is: 1. h1=R, f4 2. Rh5, g4#.

giovedì 23 aprile 2015

Invisible Men

Your Generated Chess Board

Black has an invisible man

The solution is quite obvious: the invisible man is the pawn in d7, ergo: 1. d5, e x d5 e.p. #. My inspiration for this puzzle has been this one:

Jan.-Mar. 1967
Author: A.S.M.D.

Your Generated Chess Board

Black has an invisible man

The invisible man is the Ra8. Sol.: 1. 0-0-0, Qa8 #