domenica 26 maggio 2019


Glasgow Chess*
b7 = Nightrider**

  1.Kd2-d1 a4-a5 2.Ra2-e2 a5-a6 3.Rd6-d2 a6-a7=N #

* Pawns are promoted on their 7th (white) or 2nd (black) rank. Therefore, the white Pawns standing on the 1st, 7th and 8th rank afre illegal, while tha black Pawns are illegal on 1st, 2nd and 8th rank.
** A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight's move away from each other.

sabato 25 maggio 2019

Kingless double stalemate

No Kings

 1.Bc8-g4 h3*g4[+bBc8] 2.Bc8-f5 g4*f5[+bBc8] 3.Bc8-e6 f5*e6[+bBc8] 4.Bc8-d7 e6*d7[+bBc8] 5.h7-h5 d7*c8=S ==

giovedì 16 maggio 2019

Divertissement 2

Black stalemates Black and White in one move

Adverse Sentinels
Adverse Einstein*

1. Bxc6 (wPc2, bB=bN) =

Units ‘shrink’ when they capture (P⇨N⇨B⇨R⇨Q⇨Q...) and ‘grow’ when they move without capturing (Q⇨R⇨B⇨N⇨P⇨P...). 

sabato 11 maggio 2019


h# 2+3
Multiple Series*
Adverse Sentinels**
Decomposition Chess***
No White Men
B: 1. Bc7 (wPh2) 2. Bxh2 (wPc7)
W: 1. c8=Q 2. Qg8 3. Bd5 (Rg8) #

* White and Black side must make the consecutive moves indicated by the formula: here it is B: 7 + 2#: 7; but nothing is impossible, in this condition (e.g.: B1, W5, B56, W2#).
** On moving, a piece leaves behind a Pawn of opposite color on its departure square. The rule does not apply to Pawns, or to pieces moving from the 1st or 8th rank, nor does it apply if there are 8 Pawns of that color already on the board. If White plays with a neutral, half-neutral, etc. piece, it will leaves behind an orthodox (not neutral, half-neutral, etc.) black Pawn, while Black playing with neutral, half-neutral, etc. piece will leave behind a white Pawn.
*** Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

Adverse & Multiple

h# 7+2
Multple Series*
Adverse Sentinels**

Sol. B: 1. a5 2. a4 3. a3 4. a2 5. a1=B, 6. Bg7 7. Bf8 (wPg7)
W: 1. gxf8=Q 2. Qf1#

* White and Black side must make the consecutive moves indicated by the formula: here it is B: 7 + 2#: 7; but nothing is impossible, in this condition (e.g.: B1, W5, B56, W2#).
** On moving, a piece leaves behind a Pawn of opposite color on its departure square. The rule does not apply to Pawns, or to pieces moving from the 1st or 8th rank, nor does it apply if there are 8 Pawns of that color already on the board. If White plays with a neutral, half-neutral, etc. piece, it will leaves behind an orthodox (not neutral, half-neutral, etc.) black Pawn, while Black playing with neutral, half-neutral, etc. piece will leave behind a white Pawn.

sabato 4 maggio 2019

Multiple Series 2

h# 5+3
Multiple Series*
b7 and d5 = Camels**
(C-, of course)

B: 1. CAe2 2. Kd6 3. Kxd5 4. Kxd4 5. Re4
W: 1. CAc3 2. CAd6 3. 0-0-0 #

* White and Black sides must make the consecutive moves indicated by the formula.
** The Camel moves like an elongated Knight. When it moves, it can jump to a square that is three squares horizontally and one square vertically, or three squares vertically and one square horizontally, regardless of intervening pieces; thus, it is a (1,3)-leaper.

venerdì 3 maggio 2019

Multiple Series

Multiple Series*

h# 3+7

(C-, of course)

B: 1. Rh1 2. Rh7 3. Kh6
W: 1. Kf4 2. e4 3. e5 4. e6 5. e7 6. e8=S 7. Kg5 #

* White and Black side must make the consecutive moves indicated by the formula: here it is B: 3 + W: 7; but nothing is impossible, in this condition (e.g.: B1, W5, B56, W2#).