mercoledì 20 febbraio 2019

Decomposition Circe


a) Circe
b) Decomposition Chess*

a) 1.Ke1-e2 g2-g4 2.Ke2-f3 Kh6-g6 3.Kf3*g4[+wPg2] Ra8-a4 #
b) 1. Ke1*f2 Rf8+ 2. Kg3 Rf2 3. Kh4 f3+Bf2#

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains oin the square.

venerdì 15 febbraio 2019

The Bishops of Mons

Dedicated to Arthur Machen

Without White King

 1...Bg1-h2 2.Kf1-g1 Bh2-d6 3.Kg1-h2 Bd6-f8 4.g2-g1=B Bh1-c6 =

* On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied.

lunedì 4 febbraio 2019

An Amusing Trash-Problem


1.h7-h5 2.h5-h4 3.h4-h3 4.h3*g2[bPg2->g7] 5.g7-g5 6.g5-g4 7.g4-g3 8.g3*f2[bPf2->f7] 9.f7-f5 10.f5-f4 11.f4-f3 12.f3*e2[bPe2->e7] 13.e7-e5 14.e5-e4 15.e4-e3 16.e3*d2[bPd2->d7] 17.d7-d5 18.d5-d4 19.d4-d3 20.d3*c2[bPc2->c7] 21.c7-c5 22.c5-c4 23.c4-c3 24.c3*b2[bPb2->b7] 25.b7-b5 26.b5-b4 27.b4-b3 28.b3*a2[bPa2->a7] Rc1-c8 #

* On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied.