martedì 30 aprile 2019

Saturday Night Stalemate (fixed)

Tony Manero Chessboard*

1. f3, Re6 2. fxg1=B, Re2

* For the general rules, cfr., Tony Manero's ChessboardEn l'occurrence, the first couple of moves must be made according the rules of Bichromatic Chess, the second couple of moves munt on the contrary be made according the rules of Monochromatic Chess. And so on: B-M-B-M etc.

domenica 28 aprile 2019

Introducing √50

f1= √50*

1. h5 2. h4 3. h3 4. h2 5. h1=√50, b5 =

* The √50 is a leaper (1,7 - 5,5), i.e. a √50 could move in b8, h2 and f6. Cfr. A. Dickins, A Guide to Fairy Chess, Dover Publications Inc., New York 1971, p. 11.

Monochrome Double Helpstalemate

Monochrome Chess*

 1.f7-f5 e2-e4 2.Kg6-f7 e4*f5 3.Kf7-e8 f5*e6 ==

* Each unit may play only to squares which are the same colour as its square of origin.

martedì 23 aprile 2019

Atlantosaurus Rex 2

White Camel ([1,3]-leaper) h5
Black King = Atlantosaurus*

1. d6, Bh1 2. AKxh1 (BAKe8 & WBf1), Bb5#

* The Atlantosaurus is a capturing piece, i.e. a piece which can move, but only in order to capture.

domenica 14 aprile 2019

Wild Strawberries

Without White King

 1.Kh4-g3 2.Kg3-f2 3.Kf2-g1 4.Kg1-h1 5.e7*f6[bPf6->f7][+wSg1] Sg8-f6 =

venerdì 5 aprile 2019


Decomposition Chess*

1. Ka2, h8=B 2. b1=Q, Bb2 3. Ra1+B1, b3+b2==

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

NB: The problem is cooked, since the Ra1 can move: ad es. 4. Nxb3+P= ~