lunedì 26 giugno 2017


No white King
Headbanger (2:8 Leaper) in h1

Sol. 1. g5 2. g4 3. g3 4. g2 5. gxh1=HB 6. HBa2 7. HBh3 8. HBa4 9. HBh5 10. HBa6 11. HBh7 12. a6, Nec6=

Will it work? I don't know & I don't care: it's only rock'n'roll and I like it :)

domenica 25 giugno 2017

The Convenient Ziggy :)

Ziggy (5:8 leaper) in h1

1. Zd8 2. Kh1 3. Bh2, d8=Z# :)

martedì 20 giugno 2017

King in the Corner

Equipollent Circe*

Sol.  1.Kh1-g2 2.Kg2-f3 3.Kf3-e4 4.Ke4-d5 5.Kd5-c6 6.Kc6-b7 7.Kb7-a8 8.Ka8*a7[+wBa6] 9.Ka7*a6[+wBa5] 10.Ka6*a5[+wBa4] 11.Ka5*a4[+wBa3] 12.Ka4*a3[+wBa2] 13.Ka3*a2[+wBa1] 14.Ka2-b3 15.Kb3-c4 16.Kc4-d5 17.Kd5-e6 18.Ke6-f7 19.Kf7-g8 20.Kg8-h8 f6-f7 #

* After a capture the captured piece is reborn on a square defined with respect to the square where it stood before its capture, as follows: The rebirth square lies in the same direction as that of the capturing move and at a distance equal to the length of that move. If the rebirth square is occupied or would be off the board the capture is normal. [“Equipollent” simply means “equivalent”.]

sabato 17 giugno 2017


Equipollent Circe
Hop-Frog (3:6-Leaper) in a6

Sol. 1. HFf8 2. a5 3. a4 4. a3 5. a2, 6. a1=B 7. Bxd4 (wPg7), gxHFf8=N#

venerdì 16 giugno 2017

Aequipollentia Rulez

Equipollent Circe*

  1.Ke6-e7   2.Ke7-f8   3.Kf8*f7[+wSf6]   4.Kf7*f6[+wSf5]   5.Kf6-g5   6.Kg5-g4   7.Kg4-h3   8.Kh3-h2   9.Kh2-h1  10.Ra2-h2 Sf5-g3 #

After a capture the captured piece is reborn on a square defined with respect to the square where it stood before its capture, as follows: The rebirth square lies in the same direction as that of the capturing move and at a distance equal to the length of that move. If the rebirth square is occupied or would be off the board the capture is normal. [“Equipollent” simply means “equivalent”.]

mercoledì 14 giugno 2017

Equipollent Circe

Equipollent Circe*

  1.Qc2-d3 2.Qd3-e2 3.Kd1*d2[+wBd3] 4.Kd2*d3[+wBd4] 5.Qe2-e4 Rg2-d2 #

*After a capture the captured piece is reborn on a square defined with respect to the square where it stood before its capture, as follows: The rebirth square lies in the same direction as that of the capturing move and at a distance equal to the length of that move. If the rebirth square is occupied or would be off the board the capture is normal. [“Equipollent” simply means “equivalent”.]

venerdì 2 giugno 2017

Ubi-Ubi Roi

Black Ubi-Ubi [=UU] in h1

Sol. 1. Ng6, e4 2. a7, e3 3. a8=UU+, e2+ 4. UU*e2#

Festina lente

Black Minimummer*
Mirror Circe** 

1.Rc5-c2 ! threat:
   2.Rc2-g2 zugzwang.
          3.Rg2-g1 #
     2.Rc2*h2 +
              3.Rh8*h2 #

Black must play his geometrically shortest move or may choose from among shortest moves of equal length, distances being measured from the center of each square. Diagonal and oblique distances are measured from the orthogonal coordinates by using Pythagoras’s s theorem (take the square root of the sum of the squares of the orthogonal distances). All other orthodox chess rules apply.
**  Like Circe, but the rebirth square of a piece is the square occupied at the beginning of an orthodox game by a piece of the same kind and of the other side. Related to the square they occupied before the rebirth: Rooks, Bishops and Knights are reborn on the square of the same colorPawns (including fairy Pawns) are reborn on the same file; other fairy pieces are reborn on the same file and on the promotion rank of the other side.

giovedì 1 giugno 2017


Mirror Circe*

 1.Kd8-e8 2.Ke8-f8 3.Kf8-g8 4.Kg8-h7 5.f7*g6[+wRa8] 6.Kh7-h6 7.Kh6-g5 8.Kg5-f6 9.Kf6-f7 Ra8-f8 #

A captured piece is reborn on a square where a piece of the opposite colour would be reborn in ordinary Circe.