mercoledì 31 gennaio 2018


No White King
Relegation Chess*

1.Ka8-b7 Sd1-b2=P 2.Kb7-c6 b2-b4 3.Kc6-d5 b4-b5 4.Kd5-e4 b5-b6 5.Ke4-f3 b6-b7 6.Kf3-g2 b7-b8=Q 7.Kg2-h1 Qb8-g3 =

* Any piece (not K) entering its own side's Pawn-rank is changed into a Pawn.

lunedì 29 gennaio 2018

Logik und Messigny


  1.Ph6<->Ph2 h6-h7 2.Bg1-d4 h7-h8=Q 3.Bd4-a1 Qh8*a1 #

As a move, a side can swap the squares of one of his own pieces with a similar opposite piece. A swap may not be undone by the opponent on the immediate next move.

domenica 28 gennaio 2018

My First Messigny

Grasshopper** c2

1.Bh1-d5 Sd3-f2 2.Bd5-c4 Gc2-c5 3.Bc4-f1 Kg1<->Kg3 #

Instead of an ordinary move, any unit (Ks included) may be swapped with another of the same type and opposite colour, provided neither of the units involved was swapped on the previous move.

** Moves along Queen-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

venerdì 26 gennaio 2018

Volage or Hypervolage, That is the Question

Volage* or Hypervolage**

1.Kf4-e3 2.Ke3-e2 3.Ke2-f1 4.Kf1-g2 5.Kg2-h3 6.Kh3-h4 7.Kh4-h5 8.g3-g2=w g2-g4 #

* The colour of a piece (King except) changes the first time (and only the first time) it moves on a square of different colour.

** A piece (King except) changes its colour every time it makes a moves that changes the colour of the squares.

martedì 23 gennaio 2018

A Mixed "Switchback"


1.Kd8-e7 2.Ke7-e6 3.Ke6-e5 4.Ke5-f4 5.Kf4-f3 6.Kf3-g2 7.Kg2-h3 8.Kh3-h4 9.Bf1-h3 10.g3-g2=w g2-g3 #

* The colour of a piece (King except) changes the first time (and only the first time) it moves on a square of different colour.

martedì 9 gennaio 2018

Pari passu


Reversed Einstein*

1.h7-h5=S h2-h3=S 2.Sh5-g3=B Sh3-f2=B 3.Bg3-h2=R Bf2-g1=R 

Units ‘shrink’ when they capture (Q⇨R⇨B⇨N⇨P⇨P) and ‘grow’ when they move without capturing (P⇨N⇨B⇨R⇨Q⇨Q). A white Pawn on its 7th rank cannot promote by moving to its 8th rank. If it captures it remain an immobilized Pawn on its 8th rank. If it moves without capturing it ‘grows’ into a Knight on its 8th rank. (For example: wPg7 and bNf8---the white Pawn has only two moves: 1.Pg8N and 1.Pxf8P). The Pawn on 1st rank can make 1, 2 or 3 step non-capturing move and will ‘grow’ into a Knight, as well as two capturing moves and remain a Pawn. An en passant capture is possible after the Pawn’s 2 or 3 step moves. The Pawn also ‘grows’ into Knight. (For example: wPg1 and bPh4---after 1.Pg4(wSg4) Pxg3(bPg3) e.p.).

sabato 6 gennaio 2018

One Step Forward, One Step Back


 1.g7-g5=S 2.Sg5-e6=B 3.Be6*a2=S b2-b3=S #