venerdì 26 maggio 2017

King Unbound


 1.f7-f5 2.f5-f4 3.f4-f3 4.f3-f2 5.f2-f1=B 6.Bf1-b5 7.Bb5-e8 8.Ke7-f8 Be1-h4 #

Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)
On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.

"Paris When It Sizzles"

Eiffel Chess*

Sol. 1.Kh8-g7 g2-g4 2.Kg7-f6 g4-g5 + 3.Kf6-e5 g5-g6 4.Ke5-d4 g6-g7 5.Kd4-c3 g7-g8=Q 6.Kc3-b2 Qg8*c4 7.Kb2-a1 Qc4-c2 =

* A Knight threatened by a Pawn is paralysed.
A Bishop threatened by a Knight is paralysed.
A Rook threatened by a Bishop is paralysed.
A Queen threatened by a Rook is paralysed.
A Pawn threatened by a Queen is paralysed.

A Little Synod


Sol. 1.a3-a2 2.Bc1-a3 3.Ka1-b2 4.a2-a1=B Bf8-b4 =

lunedì 22 maggio 2017

When Marianne Meets Circe


1.e4-e3 Sg2*e1[+bSb8] 2.Bh1-e4 Se1-f3 3.Be4*b1[+wBf1] Bf1-g2[+bKh1] #

* There are no Kings: if the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mated, then the opposite side is mated.

sabato 20 maggio 2017

The Square of the Chameleon

Chameleon Circe**
Chameleons: wNh2 and bBg1

Sol. 1.cBg1*h2=cR[+wcBc1] cBc1-f4=cR 2.Kg2-h1 cRf4-f1=cQ #

On completing a move, a Chameleon changes into another piece, in the sequence Q⇨S⇨B⇨R⇨Q...
** Same rules as in Circe, except that the captured piece is changed in Chameleon order Q⇨S⇨B⇨R⇨Q... and then reborn on its square array. For example, the captured Rook is first changed into Queen and then reborn on its d1 (white) or d8 (black) square. If the game-array is occupied, the captured piece disappears as in normal Circe. The captures of Pawns and of others fairy pieces as in normal Circe. Castling with a reborn Rook is permitted. 

martedì 16 maggio 2017

A Decomposition Trick

Decomposition Chess*

Sol. 1. h5, Rh3 2. h4, (R=N+P) Nf4#

Decomposition Chess. Rules. 1. Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. 2. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components (the other remains on the square).

martedì 9 maggio 2017

Skin-diver King

Skin-diver black King

1. Kh5, Bf2 2. Bh6, g4 + 3. K underwater, Kf5 #

* When a King is checked, it may plunge "underwater" (i.e. under the surface of the chessboard), but, in this case, it must re-emerge with the next move. If the emersion is impossible, the King is mated (it drowns)

But, I Wonder, Will It Work?**

Imitators* a3, b2, c3

Sol. 1. Kd1 (II b3, c2, d3) 2. Ke1 (II c3, d2, e3) 3. Kf1 (II d3, e2, f3) 4. Kg1 (II e3, f2, g3) 5. Kh1 (II f3, g2, h3), Kd4 (II f2, g1, h2) #

* IMITATOR. Colorless piece; cannot capture; moves only in dependence of other pieces, its move being simultaneous to every piece's move, parallel and of same length and direction. If a line piece's move is imitated, the imitator's path MUST NOT be blocked. Neither can the imitator be moved outside the board. If complete imitation is not possible, the respective move is illegal. This is even true for checks.

** Of course (this morning :), it does not work, because the BK is not under check (6. Bxh1 is impossible). Ok, my error could be useful for others composers.

In the Forest of the Nightrider

Nightriders d7, h6

Sol. 1.Nh6-d8 e2-e4 2.h7-h5 e4-e5 3.h5-h4 e5-e6 4.h4-h3 e6-e7 5.h3-h2 e7*d8=N =

sabato 6 maggio 2017

Stairway to Heaven


  1.Kd4-c5 2.Kc5-b6 3.Kb6*b7-g2 4.Kg2*h3-h4 5.Kh4*h5-h6 6.Kh6*h7-h8 Ra1-h1 #

Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move, using ONLY the powers of movement of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a Take & Make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked King, the checking unit does not move away from the King’s square.

venerdì 5 maggio 2017

[Milestones] The Birth of a Nightion :)

1925: Thomas Rayner Dawson (Id., Der Nachtreiter und seine dreifachen Abenteuer, "Die Schwalbe", I, 5, Februar 1925, pp. 45-47: 46) gives birth to Nightrider. These are the first three problems with the new piece.



1. Na1, d3 2. Nd7#



1. c4
 1...Nb2-d1 2.Sg1-e2 #
1...Nb2-d3 2.Sg1-e2 #
1...Nb2*c4 2.Sg1-e2 #
1...Qa4-a3 2.Qh8-d4 / Sg1-e2 #
1...Qa4*c4 2.Qh8-b8 #
1...Qa4-b4 2.Qh8-d4 / 2.Sg1-e2 #
1...g4-g3 2.Qh8-d4 #
1...Bb5*c4 2.Qh8-d4 #
1...Bb5*c6 2.Sg1-e2 #



1...Nc2*d4 2.Sa7-b5 +, Nd4*b5 3.Rh6*e6 #
1...Nh2*d4 2.Rc8-c6 +, Nd4*c6 3.Sa7-b5 #

Impossible Chess. A Variant.

Add-Impossible Chess*

1. Nh8=B 2.Bh7=R 3. Ng8=R, Bd8=Q #

This variant was invented in January 2000 by Joao Pedro Neto.
  1. The FIDE rules apply, except in the following:
  2. A moved piece (except the King) can be transformed in any piece (except the King), if and only if:
    1. The result position is an impossible FIDE position, and
    2. Some of the player's pieces must participate on it, i.e., the position would become legal if the player's pieces were arranged in other way on the board. There is one exception: if the piece changes color to create the position, however this only counts for that specific turn.
  3. A player looses, if he creates a possible board position.
The 'Not So Impossible Chess' variant: Change in rule 2.1 "impossible FIDE position" by "possible FIDE position" and remove 2.2
note: When rule 2 says "any piece" this means that the piece may change its color (and the player cannot move it anymore, since it now belongs to the other player).
note: Rule 2.2 is necessary. If not, if a player creates an impossible position, the other player would take advantage of it to play without restrictions.
notation: move=x means that after 'move', the piece is transformed into piece 'x'. If the piece also changes color, append an '^' symbol.

(end quote)

I would modify radically the rules:

1. The set position must be an impossible FIDE position.
2. A moved piece must be transformed in any piece of the same colour (except the King) in order to add an impossible detail to the (already) impossible position.

lunedì 1 maggio 2017

Kriegspiel SPG

After Black's 9th move

Sol. 1. h4, g5 2. hxg5, c6 3. Rxh7, Qa5 4. Rxh8, Kd8 5. Rxg8, Kc7 6. Rxf8, Kd6 7. Rxc8, Ke5 8. Rxb8, Kf4 9. Rxa8, Qe5