mercoledì 30 maggio 2018

A Funny Paradox


1. e7-e8=R! zugzwang, g6-g5 2. Re8-d8 zugzwang, g5-g4, 3. Rd8-d1 zugzwang, g4-g3. 4. Rd1-e1, g3-g2 #

* The capturing piece is reborn on its initial square, if this square is empty, or, if the capturing piece is the King, guarded.

martedì 29 maggio 2018



1. Bc8 2. d7 3. d8=G 4. Gd1 5. Gb1, Rg1 #

 The capturing piece is reborn on its initial square.

lunedì 21 maggio 2018

Sisyphus Unbound

No White King

1.Be4-c6 2.e2-e4 3.e4-e5 4.e5-e6 5.e6*f7[wPf7->f2] 6.f2-f4 7.f4-f5 8.f5-f6 9.f6*g7[wPg7->g2] 10.g2-g4 11.g4-g5 12.g5-g6 13.g6-g7 #

 The capturing piece is reborn on its initial square.

domenica 20 maggio 2018


h8 = Grasshopper*
No White King

1.Gh8-e5 2.Ge5-g5 3.f5-f4 4.f4-f3 5.f3-f2 6.f2-f1=G 7.Gf1-h3 g2-g3 #

* The Grasshopper is a fairy chess piece that moves as an ordinary Queen, but only by hopping over another piece to the square immediately closest.
** The capturing piece is reborn on its initial square.

mercoledì 16 maggio 2018

Circe + AntiCirce

No White King

 1.Sa2-c3 Bb8-h2 2.Sc3*a4[bSa4->g8][+wRh1] Bh2-e5 #

* The captured piece is reborn on its initial square.
** The capturing piece is reborn on its initial square.

martedì 15 maggio 2018

A Quartet Pawn

No White King

1.Kc5-b5 a2*b3[wPb3->b2] 2.Kb5-b4 b2*a3[wPa3->a2] 3.c6-c5 a2-a3 #

* The capturing piece is reborn on its initial square. The captured piece disappears from the board. The rebirth square must be empty or the capture is illegal.

mercoledì 9 maggio 2018

Outline of an Idea


 1.Re2-e8 2.Kf1-e2 3.Ke2-d3 4.Kd3-c4 5.Kc4-b5 6.Kb5-c6 #

* Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)

On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.

venerdì 4 maggio 2018

Bringing It All Back Home

No White King

1.Kb6-a7 2.Ka7*a8[+wBf1] 3.Ka8-b7 4.Kb7-c6 5.Kc6*d5[+wRh1] 6.Kd5-e5 7.Ke5-f4 8.Kf4*g3[+wSg1] Sb2-d3 =

giovedì 3 maggio 2018

Long Train Coming


1.f3-f2 2.f4-f3 3.f5-f4 4.f6-f5 5.f7-f6 6.Kg8-f7 7.Kf7-e6 8.Ke6-d5 9.Kd5-c4 10.Kc4-b3 11.Kb3-a2 12.Ka2*a1[+wBc1] Sb1-c3 =

Something Like a Princess

Republican Chess*

 1.Bf1*g2[bBg2->c8] Bf2-d4 2.Bc8-d7 Bd4-b2 3.Bd7-e8 Se2-c3[+bKa1] #

* There is not the King which will be mated. If the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mated, then the opposite side is mated.
** On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square. The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.

martedì 1 maggio 2018

Empty. Again.

Monochrome Chess*

Add a (black or white) piece (not a Knight, of course, nor a Pawn, nor a King), then Black or White stalemates itself in one move.

Four solutions

(IMO, the solutions are obvious, but I could not verify them, so... amaze me!)

* Each unit may play to squares which are the same colour as its square of origin.
** On moving, a piece leaves behind a Pawn of its own colour on its departure square. The rule does not apply to Pawns, or to pieces moving from the 1st or 8th rank, nor does it apply if there are eight Pawns of that colour already on the board.