domenica 31 marzo 2019

Decomposition Joke

Decomposition Chess*
No White King

1. Nd6 2. Be6 3. Pd7+Pd6 4. Pe7+Pe6#

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

sabato 30 marzo 2019

On Decompo Again

Decomposition Chess*

1. Kf4, Qh2+ 2. Kf3, Re2+Bh2 3. f4, h3+h2 =

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

venerdì 29 marzo 2019

Decompomagical Mystery (Tour)

Decomposition Chess*
No White King
(C-, of course)

1. Kb6, a5+ 2. Kc5, a6 3. Kd4, a7 4. Ke3, a8=R 5. Kf2, Bh1+P=Q 6. Kg1, Qg2 #

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

giovedì 28 marzo 2019

White Stalemates Black in Eight Consecutive Moves

Decomposition Chess*

Sol. 1. c4 2. c5 3. c6 4. c7 5. c8=R 6. Rc2 7. Rf2 8. f3+Af2=

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

lunedì 18 marzo 2019

A New Twenty: 5 + 15

[Black makes 5 consecutive moves, then White mates in 15 consecutive moves]
Without white King

Black: 1. Kh8 2. Rh7 3. Rf7 4. d4 5. Be4
White: 1.b2-b4 2.b4*c5[wPc5->c2] 3.c2-c3 4.c3*d4[wPd4->d2] 5.d2-d3 6.d3*e4[wPe4->e2] 7.e2-e4 8.e4-e5 9.e5-e6 10.e6*f7[wPf7->f2] 11.f2-f4 12.f4-f5 13.f5-f6 14.f6-f7 15.f7-f8=Q #

domenica 17 marzo 2019


[Black makes one move, then White mates in 19 moves]
No White King

Sol.  Black 1. Rf4; White 1.a2-a4 2.a4-a5 3.a5*b6[wPb6->b2][+bPb7] 4.b2-b4 5.b4-b5 6.b5*c6[wPc6->c2][+bPc7] 7.c2-c4 8.c4-c5 9.c5*d6[wPd6->d2][+bPd7] 10.d2-d4 11.d4-d5 12.d5*e6[wPe6->e2][+bPe7] 13.e2-e3 14.e3*f4[wPf4->f2] 15.f2-f4 16.f4-f5 17.f5-f6 18.f6-f7 19.f7-f8=Q #

mercoledì 13 marzo 2019

Pedes solus

No White King

Sol.  1.Sc5-b3 c2*b3[wPb3->b2] 2.Kb8-a8 b2-b4 3.Sc6-b8 b4-b5 4.Bb7-c6 b5-b6 5.Bc6-e8 b6-b7 #

A Manero's Puzzle

Tony Manero's Chessboard**
No White King

Sol. 1. Bf7, h5 2. 0-0, h6 3. Re8, h7#

* On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square. The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied.
**Every half move (or every move, or else), the chessboard change, from monochromatic to bichromatic, or viceversa. En l'occurrence: 1. M, B 2 M, B 3. B, B#, 4. M.

martedì 12 marzo 2019

1 + 25

(Black makes one move, then White mates in 25 consecutive moves)

Sol. Black: 1. Rh7; White: 1.a2-a4 2.a4-a5 3.a5-a6 4.a6*b7[wPb7->b2] 5.b2-b4 6.b4-b5 7.b5-b6 8.b6*c7[wPc7->c2] 9.c2-c4 10.c4-c5 11.c5-c6 12.c6*d7[wPd7->d2] 13.d2-d4 14.d4-d5 15.d5-d6 16.d6*e7[wPe7->e2] 17.e2-e4 18.e4-e5 19.e5-e6 20.e6*f7[wPf7->f2] 21.f2-f4 22.f4-f5 23.f5-f6 24.f6-f7 25.f7-f8=Q #

* On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square. The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied.

mercoledì 6 marzo 2019

Decompomagick II

Deconposition Chess*

Sol. 1. h4 2. h5 3. hxg6 4. g7 5. g8 = Q 6.  Sh6 + Rg8 =

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

lunedì 4 marzo 2019


Decomposition Chess*

Sol. h6 2. h7 3. h8=R 4. Sf7 + P=Q#

Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square. No suspended Pawns (i.e. in ranks 1 or 8) allowed.

sabato 2 marzo 2019


Decomposition Chess*

(C-, ça va sans dire)

1. Kb6 2. Kc5 3. Kd4 4. Ke3 5. Kf2 6. Kg1 7. Rf2 8. f3+Bf2=

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square.


No White King

 1.Kh3-g3 Re1*e2[wRe2->h1] 2.Kg3-f2 Rh1-e1 3.Kf2-g1 Ba1-d4 #

* On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array-square. The captured unit disappears, asd in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied.

venerdì 1 marzo 2019

Decomposition. Again


Decomposition Chess*

b) pf4 in e2

No White King

a) 1. Kg4 Rh3 2. Rh5 Bg2+ ph3#
b) 1. Kg4 Rh3 2. Rg5 Nf4+ ph3#

* Every man is decomposable as follows: Q=R+F; R=F+P; F=PP. The decomposition is actuated with the mere removal of one of the components: the other remains on the square.