domenica 30 giugno 2019

Geometry, as Usual (II)


Kobul Chess*

1.d4-d3 g4-g5 2.d3-d2 g5-g6 3.d2-d1=S g6-g7 4.Sd1-b2 g7-g8=B 5.Sb2-c4 Bg8*c4[c1=rS] =

*A King who transforms when a member of his army is captured. When one of his pawn is captured, he changes into traditional King. The Kobul King is always royal. [...]

venerdì 28 giugno 2019

Geometry, as Usual

Kobul Chess*

1.h7-h5 2.h5-h4 3.h4-h3 4.h3-h2 5.h2-h1=B 6.Bh1-d5 7.Bd5-c4 Sd2*c4[c1=rB] =

*A King who transforms when a memeber of his army is captured. When one of his pawn is captured, he changes into traditional King. When one of his piece (not a Pawn) is captured, he transforms into a piece ofn the same type of the one captured. The Kobul King is always royal. [...]

martedì 25 giugno 2019

A Midsummer Night's Pun

Bichrome chess*
No Kings

1.h7-h6 a2-a3 2.h6-h5 a3-a4 3.h5-h4 a4-a5 4.h4-h3 a5-a6 5.h3-h2 a6-a7 6.h2-h1=B a7-a8=B ==

* All moves, captures and checks must be made between square of opposite colours.A Misdummer n

domenica 16 giugno 2019

Twins (or not)

Twin Kings
Sentinelles en Pion dverse

Sol. 1.  Kh3 (wPb2) 2. Kh4 (wPb3) 3. Kh5 (wPb4) 4. Kh6 (wPb5) 5. Kh7 (wPb6) 6. Kh8 (wPb7), f8=N =

This problem could be very simplified:

Sentinelles en pion adverse
No White King

1.Kh3-h4[+wPh3] f2-f4 2.Kh4-h5[+wPh4] f4-f5 3.Kh5-h6[+wPh5] f5-f6 4.Kh6-h7[+wPh6] f6-f7 5.Kh7-h8[+wPh7] f7-f8=S 

lunedì 3 giugno 2019


pe7 = Royal Pawn*
c1= Fers**
Patrol Chess***
Sentinelles en pion adverse***
No White King

1. e5 2. e4 3. e3 4. e2 5. e1= F 6. Fed2, Sf3#

* The side having this piece is in check if it is threatened.
** A Fers is a fairy chess that moves like a Bishop, but can only go one square.
*** A piece cannot capture or check (but may move or observe) if it is not observed by another piece of its own side.
**** When a piece (not a Pawn) moves, a Pawn of the colour of the opposite side appears on the vacated square, if it is not on the first or the last rank, and if there are less than 8 Pawns of that colour on the board.