martedì 13 febbraio 2018

Three Corners

Transmuting Kings*
No White King

 1.Ra2-a1 Qa8*a1 + 2.Ke5*a1 Rb8-a8 #
1.Ra2-g2 Qa8-a1 + 2.Ke5-h2 Rb8-h8 #

* When in check, the King takes the power(s) of the checking unit(s) in place of its own.

sabato 10 febbraio 2018

Sancta simplicitas

Transmuting King*
No White King

1.Kc6-b5 Sc8-d6 + 2.Kb5-a7 c7-c8=B 3.Ka7-a8 Bc8-b7 #

When in check, takes the power(s) of the checking unit(s) in place of its own.

venerdì 9 febbraio 2018

Pongracz Circe

Pongracz Circe*

1. Ne5, f4 2. Nc4, f5 3. Na3, bxa3 (bNb8 > wBc1) #

(I could not verify the solution)

Pongracz-Circe rules have much in common with Circe Assassin. A captured unit is reborn on its Circe rebirth square, even if this square is occupied. The difference with Circe Assassin is the following: if another unit stood on this rebirth square, then it is itself reborn on its own rebirth square (it does not vanish as it would in Circe Assassin), and so on in a chain of Circe rebirths, until a free Circe rebirth square is finally reached (

sabato 3 febbraio 2018


Kiev Combination Chess*
White: Reversed Einstein**
Black: Sentinelles***

1. Kg2 (bPh2), axb3 2. Kh1 (bPg2), b4=N 3. g1=B, Nc6=B #

(NB: I could not verify the solution)

* A generic term for a problem where each side plays a different variant.
** Units ‘shrink’ when they capture (QRBNPP) and ‘grow’ when they move without capturing (PNBRQQ). A white Pawn on its 7th rank cannot promote by moving to its 8th rank. If it captures it remain an immobilized Pawn on its 8th rank. If it moves without capturing it ‘grows’ into a Knight on its 8th rank. (For example: wPg7 and bNf8---the white Pawn has only two moves: 1.Pg8N and 1.Pxf8P). The Pawn on 1st rank can make 1, 2 or 3 step non-capturing move and will ‘grow’ into a Knight, as well as two capturing moves and remain a Pawn. An en passant capture is possible after the Pawn’s 2 or 3 step moves. The Pawn also ‘grows’ into Knight. ( For example: wPg1 and bPh4---after 1.Pg4(wSg4) Pxg3(bPg3) e.p.)
*** When a piece (Pawn excluded) leaves a square outside the first and last rows, it leaves a Pawn of the color of the side that played unless 8 Pawns in this color are already on the board.

venerdì 2 febbraio 2018


Unambiguous Chess*

1. Nh1, Kd1 2. Be1, Bxc4 3. d3, Be6 =

(NB: I could not check the solution)

* A move is only legal if no other unit of the same side can move to the same square.

giovedì 1 febbraio 2018

A Calvet & Scazon :) Anticirce

AntiCirce Calvet*

 1.Ke3-f2 h4-h5 2.Kf2-e1 Be2-b5 =
 1.Ke3-f2 Be2-b5 + 2.Kf2-e1 h4-h5 =

* After a capture, the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe.