lunedì 30 aprile 2018

Double Feature

a) Ser-h#6
b) Ser-h=6

Black Anti-King* in e8
No White Anti-King

a)  1.Ke8*d7[bKd7->e8] 2.Ke8-d7 3.Kd7*c6[bKc6->e8] 4.Ke8-d7 5.Kd7-c6 6.Kc6*b5[bKb5->e8] Ba4-c2 #
b) 1.Ke8*d7[bKd7->e8] 2.Ke8-d7 3.Kd7*c6[bKc6->e8] 4.Ke8-d7 5.Kd7-c6 6.Kc6*b5[bKb5->e8] Ba4-d7 =

Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)
On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.
* An Anti-KIng is in check, if it is not attacked.

domenica 29 aprile 2018

A "Spectacular" Messigny

Stephen Emmerson

"Variant Chess" Informal Tourney 1997/1998
2nd H.M.

Messigny Chess*

 1.Ba4<->Bb2 + Ka1-b1 2.Bb2-c1 Kb1-a1 3.Bc1-b2 + Ba4<->Bb2 #**

* As a move, a side can swap the squares of one of his own pieces with a similar opposite pieces. A swap may not be undone by the opponent on the immediate next move.

** "Spectacular! The final seems to be identical with the initial position... How can this be? Well, it is the Messigny rule that a piece exchange may not immediately be reversed. A wonderful miniature construction" (Hans Gruber, "Variant Chess". V, 35, Spring 2000, p. 50).

venerdì 27 aprile 2018

Semi-republican Chess

Semi-republican Chess*

2 sol.

1.f7-f5 2.f5-f4 3.f4-f3 4.f3-f2 5.f2-f1=B 6.Bf1-a6 7.Ba6-b7 Se8-c7[+bKa8] #
1.g7-g5 2.g5-g4 3.g4-g3 4.g3-g2 5.g2-g1=B 6.Bg1-c5 7.Bc5-f8 Se8-f6[+bKe8] #

* Only one side has a King, which can be mated according to the normal rules. If this side, after its move, can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mated, then the opposite side is mated.

domenica 22 aprile 2018

Less Than Zero. Or Something.

Republican Chess*

 1.h6-h5 Se5-g4 2.h5*g4[+wSb1] Bf6-b2 3.g4-g3 Sb1-c3[+bKa1] #

* There is not the King which will be mated. If the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mated, then the opposite side is mated.

République II

Republican Chess**
d1 = Bishop-Hopper***

 1.Kh1-h2 2.Kh2-g3 3.Kg3-g4 4.BHd1-h5 5.Kg4-g5 6.Kg5-g6 7.Kg6-f7 8.BHh5-e8[+bKf8] #

* Calvet type. On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square. The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied.
** There is not the King which will be mated. If the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mated, then the opposite side is mated.
*** Moves like a Grasshopper but only on Bishop lines.

giovedì 19 aprile 2018


George Sphicas

"Ideal-Mate Review", 1986

1. Nf2 -- 2. Nd3 -- 3. Nc5
allows the B to move without check to wK
-- 4. Bb7 -- 5. Kd5 -- 6. Kc6-- 7. Rd5 -- 8. e5 -- 9. e4 --10. e3 -- 11. e2 -- 12. e1=R!
again, checks to wK are not allowed, so black under-promotes.
-- 13. Re6 -- 14. Red6 --15. e5 -- 16. e4 -- 17. e3 --18. e2 -- 19. e1=R -- 20. Re7 -- 21. Rc7
and now the stage is set for

Democratic Chess :)

Republican :) Chess*

 1.Sf2-g4 2.Sg4-e5 3.g3-g4 4.Be1-h4 5.Bh4*f6[+bKh5] #

There are no Kings: if the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mated, then the opposite side is mated.

martedì 17 aprile 2018

A Grasshopper in the Island of "aeaeA" :)

Without Whit King

1.Bh5-f7 2.Gd5-h5 3.Gh5-f5 4.g5-g6 5.Gf5-h7 6.g6-g7 #

* Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)

On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.

sabato 14 aprile 2018

SneK Adverse

Luis Miguel Martin
St.-Germain-au-Mont-d'Or, 2017
4. Mention d'honneur

SneK adverse*

1. a1=R, Bd8 2. Ra5, Sxa5 (Rd8) #
1. a1 = B, Bf6 2. Be5+, Bxe5 (Bc6) #

When a Queen is captured, a Rook (or Royal Rook) of the opposite side (if exists on the board) becomes a Queen. When a Rook is captured, a Bishop (or Royal Bishop) of the opposite side (if exists on the board) becomes a Rook. When a Bishop is captured, a Knight (or Royal Knight) of the opposite side (if exists on the board) becomes a Bishop. When a Knight is captured,  the King (but not a Royal piece) of the opposite side becomes a Royal Knight. When a Pawn is captured, the Royal piece of the opposite side becomes a King. Only one piece may change its type after a capture. In case of option – the capturing side choose which piece will be transformed. The capture and the change of type is a single move. If this full move result a selfcheck, the capture is forbidden. 

venerdì 13 aprile 2018

A Tribute to My Mentor: Antonio Garofalo

Antonio Garofalo


How many mates?


 1.Rb7-b1 # !

1.Rb7-b2 # !

1.Rb7-b3 # !

1.Rb7-b4 # !

1.Rb7-b5 # !

1.Rb7-b6 # !

1.Rb7-a7 # !

1.Rb7-b8 # !

1.Rb7-h7 # !

1.Rb7-g7 # !

1.Rb7-f7 # !

1.Rb7-e7 # !

1.Rb7-d7 # !

1.Rb7-c7 # !

1.Be5-a1 # !

1.Be5-b2 # !

1.Be5-c3 # !

1.Be5-d4 # !

1.Be5-h2 # !

1.Be5-g3 # !

1.Be5-f4 # !

1.Be5-h8 # !

1.Be5-g7 # !

1.Be5-f6 # !

1.Be5-b8 # !

1.Be5-c7 # !

1.Be5-d6 # !

1.Sg4-f2 # !

1.Sg4-f6 # !

1.Qd2-e1 # !

1.Qd2-f4 # !

1.Qd2-e3 # !

1.Qd2-c2 # !

1.Qd2-d5 # !

1.Qd2-d4 # !

1.Qd2-d3 # !

1.Qd2-g2 # !

1.Qd2-e2 # !

"One of you is going to betray me"


1. a2-a1=Q/S/R/B Rh1*a1[wRa1->a1] 2.e2-e1=R Ra1-a7 3.Re1-e8 Ra7-f7 #

* Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)

On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.

Messigny & Circe

Without White King

1.Kg3-h4 Sh1-g3 2.Bh2<->Bg2 Sg3-f5 + 3.Kh4-h3 Bh2<->Bg2 #

* As a move, a side can swap the squares of one of his own pieces with a similar opposite pieces. A swap may not be undone by the opponent on the immediate next move.

domenica 8 aprile 2018

The Onewayness of Mao

White Mao* in d2

 1.Bg2-h1 2.Kf2-g2 3.f3-f2 4.f2-f1=MA 5.MAf1-h2 Qa1-e1 =

The Mao is similar to the chess Knight -- it ends up the same distance away, but it can not jump over intervening pieces like the chess Knight. Rather, the Mao is considered to move first one space orthogonally, and then one space diagonally (away from the starting square) to its destination. The intermediate square must be empty.

sabato 7 aprile 2018

Sixteen Kings

Royal dynasty*

 1.Kh1*h2 2.Kh2*g3 3.Kg3*f4 4.Kf4*e5 5.Ke5*d6 6.Kd6*c7 7.Kc7*b8 8.Kb8*a7 9.Ka7*b6 10.Kb6*c5 11.Kc5*d4 12.Kd4*e3 13.Ke3*f2 #
1.Kh1*g1 2.Kg1*f2 3.Kf2*e3 4.Ke3*d4 5.Kd4*c5 6.Kc5*b6 7.Kb6*a7 8.Ka7*b8 9.Kb8*c7 10.Kc7*d6 11.Kd6*e5 12.Ke5*f4 13.Kf4*g3 #

* 1. Each side may have more Kings on the chessboard. 2. Promotion to a King is allowed. 3. If more than one King of one side is present at the same time no King possess the royal nature. It means that there is no check or mate. Capturing of King(s) but the last one is allowed. The way of moving is unchanged for all the Kings. 4. When one side after capturing remains with only one King his royal nature is returned, no matter if it results from promotion or not. Castling is a move of royal nature and is allowed with only one King present (if a Rook hasn't moved at all and if a King hasn't moved after he remains the only King of his side (.

A Bizarre Discovered Checkmate

Without White King

 1.Rg4-g5 f3-f4 2.Kf5-g4 Se4-f2 + 3.Kg4-h4 f4*g5[wPg5->g2] #

* Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)

On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.

giovedì 5 aprile 2018

South by Northwest


 1.Ka8-a7 2.Ka7-b6 3.Kb6-b5 4.Kb5-c4 5.Kc4-d3 6.Kd3-e2 7.Ke2-f1 8.Kf1-g2 9.Kg2-h1 Bh7*e4[wBe4->f1] =

Anti-Circe (Standard ‘Calvet Type’)

On making a capture, any unit (including King) is reborn on its game-array square (see Circe). The captured unit disappears, as in normal chess. Since rebirth is obligatory, a capture is legal only if the relevant rebirth-square is unoccupied. A capture may be made either from or on a rebirth-square; promotion with capture is legal provided the rebirth-square of the promoted unit is unoccupied. A King may capture only if his square of origin is neither occupied nor guarded by an opposing piece, except that he may threaten to capture the opposing King even when his own square is guarded (but not occupied). This introduces an additional way of answering a check, by occupying the square where the checking piece would be replaced. If a capture is a Pawn promotion , then it is the promoted piece which is replaced. Captures, in which the capturing piece lands on its own square of origin, are allowed. A replaced Rook, King (or Rook and King) may be used for castling, provided the usual castling rules are satisfied.